One year ago today, we took the risk of creating our very own blog. We want something unique that will catch people's attention and love our site. We first came up with a name, Elaine and Bebs, but we felt like we should not use our own name to make it more catchy. Also thought of EJAAYBEE, combination of our nicknames but it seems like it's too normal and boring. We randomly came up of the word TWO since it's our anniversary number and the STUCK IN ONE follows because we are both obviously a blogger in one, so we have no choice to stick to each other! Lol! Hello, TWO STUCK IN ONE!
We never thought we've reached this far. Luckily, we entered blogging the moment it's still rising. We even laughed so hard why we created a site and a fan page. We are not even ARTISTS! We don't have any fans, so who will like our page then? We can still remember that we only gained 10 likes after a week we created the page. That was so rude for you guys not to like our page ha!😂

We started posting GYPSY CAFÈ, they are the very first restaurant who never underestimated us. They accepted us even if we only have 10 likes (we bet they didn't knowhahaha). Kuddos to the ARMSTRONGS for giving us a chance. We were so dumb and shy back then. We don't even know what we were doing, but hey! WE SURVIVED!
Next is, we saw a newly opened restaurant which is TELAWEZA. We thought of trying it but why not we'll be having an ex-deal instead. We messaged them (yup, we did the first move) and again, they accepted us. Basically, we thought na para sa amin siguro talaga 'to.
It trended.We unexpectedly, trended!

We continued our stuff. The next restaurant we messaged was FTU CREAMERY. They are the very first restaurant with a concept store plus a very eye-dreamy interior. People loved it especially that it's an ice-cream shop. Who doesn't love ice-creams anyway? After we posted it, it trended. Again, we're on trend. Our page likes already reached 5,000+. Can you imagine?! Because us? We never thought! Hahaha!

After 2 consecutive trends, we met the manager of SAGAE CAFE. He invited us and offered us a payment. Believe it or not, our very first TF was 500 pesos! Not bad ayt? After we posted it, people gave positive feed backs and it became a trend again. After those posts, restaurants are now messaging us, and we seriously still in awe! SML!! 


 We continued  blogging, tons of invites were accepted, but tons of negativity also came.We didn't just gained likes. WE ALSO GAINED HATERS.We seriously don't know where they are coming  from! Hahaha! The good thing about us is that, we tend not to keep things seriously. Particularly negative things.We just laugh whenever there is someone who is trying to put us down.We are not seeking for revenge, and we just let God do the thing for them.



 We are both seriously still in UNBELIEVABLE FEELING! We don't know why all these things happened to us. All we did before we entered the industry is going out, looking for a restaurant and post it on our social media pages with a comment of "ASAN 'TO?" from certain people. We are food bloggers.We focused on food but we want to explore. We really love to travel! We tried the content of travel, and again, people had nice feed backs. WE ARE NOW FOCUSING on FOOD+TRAVEL and our newest cover, Lifestyle!

> Do not waste your time exploring on social medias. Explore it yourself personally.
STRANGERS will be always your 1st supporters. Next are your friends and your family will be sadly the last but their support are never-ending!
> BE UNIQUE. Do not make them forget you.
ALWAYS BE POSITIVE.  You will not always be having a good day.
> TAKE A RISK. Do not be afraid of taking some.
UNDERSTAND YOUR DOING. Do not just post "blogger photos" and call yourself a blogger. Make it a passion. Write something that will not annoy people's attention.
PUT YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND. Be humble and be good. The client won't book you if you're arrogant. ILAGAY SA LUGAR ANG SINASABI.
> BE KIND AND REPLY TO INQUIRIES. No matter how annoying it is if somebody messaged you "ASAN PO ITO?" even if you already put the location on the caption, REPLY and BE KIND. 
>DO NOT LET ANY CLIENT TO PUT YOU DOWN. Simply know your rights.
>ALWAYS GIVE EVERYTHING TO GOD. If you have more, give it to Him. If you have less, still give it to Him.

Being a blogger is never easy. IT WAS NEVER OUR CAREER BUT IT WILL BE FOREVER OUR PASSION. We've been a lot, we were judged , we were hated, we were used and we were scammed through a collaboration! Lol! Nevertheless, every single blog we had was ultra mega absolutely fun! We met new people who became our friends, we learned different techniques and we gained a lot of knowledge about the media. So, enough with the chichat, if you're reading us, we just want to say THANK YOU. THANK YOU for wasting your time reading our posts and for your loving never-ending support. We love you and we hope to meet and see you soon! Jah Love!
Lastly, if you're reading this because you're one of the owner of the restaurants we've been. Our deepest THANK YOUs are in high! Thank you for accepting us with your whole heart! We enjoyed your company. Thank you you for letting us grow!



  1. Happy Anniversary to my favorite couple blogger! So much love to you guys! xx

  2. Keep on inspiring us Ate Elaine and Kuya Bebs. Such a good read! Thank you also for the advice! We love you and never mind the haters! <3

  3. Happy anniversary to your blog, Elaine and Bebs! ��

  4. Happy Anniversary, Two Stuck In One!!! Love you, Guys!
