Davao is really booming and the food industry is also doing the same. CHEAT TIME BAKEHOUSE is already a well known food-hub that offers cheap but worth it freak shakes and snacks. Last September 8, they opened their newly renovated expansion area with a theme that every millennial will definitely love! 💗

They offer quantity and of course, quality! Their food prices are good and budget friendly for students, workers and families. Believe it or not, their price ranges from 75-180 pesos only and it's good for sharing! Yay!

COLORFUL LEMONADES for 40 pesos only!

FREAKSHAKES FOR 99 PESOS! YUP! 99 PESOS! (add-on desserts are also available)
MINI BURGER SLIDERS for 180 pesos.
FRIES for 60 pesos/cart. So cute ayt? *wink*

Overall, we had an amazing childish experience! We were amazed how unique and cozy the place is. You will never regret that you visited the place located at GUERRERO STREET. It's actually Davao's 1st every pastel-ish shop! Kuddos to CHEAT TIME! ♥

The Sleek Chic for our charm bracelets.
Cheat Time Bakehouse for having us.

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