18th Birthday is one of the most awaited event for girls. If you're having a trouble of deciding which theme you'll going to have, I'll give you some tips and ideas

Before planning, you should better know yourself first. Examine your qualities and personalities. You need to be unique so your guests will have fun and wont forget your party.

Choosing a theme is kinda difficult. Choose a theme that is opposite with your personality. Try to go out on your comfort zones, explore and try new things. Swear! People will be shocked and it will make your event a memorable one! 

  • If you're kinda shy, choose the Rockstar theme debut. It's perfect for you! Go rock that talent you have.
  • If you're kinda edgy, choose the pastel theme debut. Don't just settle into one pastel color, go for 3 or more as long as it is pastel. Again, pastel.
  • If you're kinda kikay and maarte, choose a theme with unique style. Don't make your event a kikay one, it's too plain and boring already for everyone. Go for a neon party!
  • If you're boyish and you were just forced by your parents to have a party, choose the Vintage theme! Promise, everyone will drop their jaw when they'll see you on that vintage gown or dress!
  • If you're a loud person (like me hahaha) choose an all white theme debut it makes you a demure one but don't wear a white gown on the main event. Only guests are required to wear an all white outfit. Boys should wear an all white too!
  • You should be different in all aspects, you should wear a different gown color with the guests.

Choosing your guests takes too much time, you better prioritize those people who made your life extra fun and extra special ( exept ofcourse your family because they are automatically on your guest list )

Here are some guide on who you should invite.


  • Invite your childhood friends, believe it or not, you learned a lot from them way back then. They were those people who made your childhood an awesome one which forever stays on your mind and they even saw you on your "ugly moments".
  • You can invite your current not that close classmates but just pick few, invite those who helped you much on your school works hahaha.
  • Your high school barkada should not miss your debut. They are the ones who will make your debut a fun one! They will surely share your high school craziness and cry like an infant when they will give you a message on the said program.
  • Your college barkada of course will not miss your party. Even if you will not try to invite them, they will come with confident! They can even "gatecrash" hahahaha. 
  • Invite your random friends whom you've shared an amazing memories with. Those friends that are not even your classmate, those friends you just met with your common friends yet you tend to click with, the moment you saw each other. Those friends are special ❤
  • Dont forget on the guest list those people who hurted you or what we call "EX-BFFS". They are not worthy of your invitation but they need to see you shine on that day so they will hate you more. Lol
  • Of course, last but not the least, you should invite your ninongs and ninangs. They were there during our month-old-days plus you have that 100 percent assurance that their gifts will be special or cash. Yay Cash!

In your pre debut shoot, you should not spend a lot. If you already have a friend who has great photography skills, go get him. Make sure he will produce a great shot!
For questions and clarifications, comment below❤️



  1. Nice 😊 saan affordable na place to celebrate debut ate?

  2. Thankyou ate Elaine! finally i know kung anong theme gamitin ko <3 mwa loveyou

  3. Hello. May ma suggest ka pa na places/restaurants na may function rooms? Those not so cheap lng. Hehe. Hope you could help me. Loving your blog! Xoxo

    1. Hi! Rophe's and Happy cakes has good function rooms if you want to keep your debut simple! Actually, the place will depend on what your theme will be. Hoping to witness your party! Thank you for dropping by.🤗❤️

    2. Hello! Me again. I don't have a theme tho, it's just a simple gathering of friends and family. Or can you suggest a theme? Lol I simply have no ideaaa. Pls do help ��

  4. The place looks awesome. I love how they presented the ice cream. Looks yummy.

  5. Glad to know about these birthday themes. The tips you have shared here are really helpful for me. As planning to arrange a party at one of LA venues for her. Will choose a nice theme among them. Thanks for such great ideas.

  6. Thank you so much sa tips ate elaine haha pero I have a question. Okay lang ba kung vintage yung theme ko then yung place kasi pang family pool? feel ko kasi hindi bagay pero i need your help ate para maka decide ako where ang nice na venue. Thanks :)

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  8. Your debut shoot was dramatic and has that cinematic feel by using dark surroundings and a little amount of light. You've captured quite the model feel you wanted for yourself. It really is ideal to have quite the list of considerations for your themed debut and achieve the perfect birthday.

  9. This is a great debut ideas, ang ganda ng gown mo ate :) Thanks for sharing

  10. Now I am expecting big from this debut venue in quezon city after readng your post. This is excitement I believe.

  11. Nice photos. I am looking for debut planner in Manila for my sister's debut this coming September. This is great.
